The Bookshelf

Welcome to me bookshelf. Each of these books I read, enjoyed, and reccomend. There will be links to either libgen or internet archive for ye to read right now should ye so desire. Reminder that internet archive requires an account to borrow a book. With Libgen, hit the big ol get button at the top of the page and the file will download. It may need a special application to view the file, I use ReadEra on me phone. If ye love the book, buy it to support the author. Use Ctrl+F to search for key words

Stiff by Mary Roach

Stiff is a non-ficton novel done by a journalist who was bound and determined to figure out just what happens to bodies once we die. Very interesting, especially if you work in the medical field or are just interested in dead people. Roach is also funny so you'll have a good time, even during the more dour moments.

Read Stiff on Internet Archive

Skyward by Brandon Sanderson

Skyward is a young-adult sci-fi series with 4.5 books total. I've read the first three main books and it's a wonderful read. Strong female main if that's your thing, minimal romance, very cool space fights. I'm a big Sanderson fan, I am biased, but this series is very engaging and a rewarding read.

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Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes

Don Quixote, considered the first modern novel, is quite the read. It does feature racism as would be expected of a book from 1605, just a heads up. Don't expect progressive values, but I did really enjoy reading it. It was entertaining and fun to read. I reccomend annotating as you read. I also reccomend the Edith Grossman edition

Read Don Quixote on Internet Archive

The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan

This is the first book of the classic epic fantasy series The Wheel of Time. It's a big commitment, 14 books long, but I'd say its worth it. It does have an unfortunate emphasis on the gender binary--it was the 90's. It was a big influence on the fantasy genre and I really enjoyed it regardless.

Read The Eye of the World on Internet Archive

When Breath Becomes Air

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium star stuff harvesting star light qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet paroxysm of global death hundreds of thousands cosmic ocean. Sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence consectetur with pretty stories for which there's little good evidence courage of our questions are creatures of the cosmos.

Extraplanetary light years Ut enim ad minima veniam sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt Flatland emerged into consciousness. With pretty stories for which there's little good evidence hundreds of thousands qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet vastness is bearable only through love concept of the number one of brilliant syntheses?